SlitScan_JS [Webcam, ProcessingJS]


Slitscan, or “slit-scan photography” refers to cameras that use a slit, which is particularly used in scanning cameras in panoramic photography. It has many implementations with different hardware & software languages among many artistic and technological contexts. As I am currently working on a project that is involved some aspects of this technique (but extended into something totally unusual and strange, bit more about it later…), I just hooked together a quick hack of the recently introduced media API for users webcam and microphones and combine it with processingjs to make life easier.

In fact the getUserMedia() query can be used in a lot wider context than only within this example. Since we can access all pixels within the live video feed using javascript, it is becoming lot easier to build motion tracking, color tracking and other computer vision based sensing technologies for plugin free, open web based applications. Here it is a really simple example which is calling the loadPixels() function of processing so each pixel can be set and replaced within the image. As a simple result we are placing ellipses with the corresponding color values of the pixels on the screen.

You can try out the working demo (tested & working with Google Chrome)

Grab the source from Github