About the Author

Agoston is making interaction design, experimental media, generative arts using free & open source tools. He is designing novel interfaces, developing dynamic systems for networked installations, implementing creative mobile applications. He is addicted to hacking, altering functions of existing contexts and ordinary objects. He regularly gives workshops and courses on interaction design and creative coding using several open source languages across Europe. He is a guest lecturer at Bergen Academy of Arts & Design (Norway), Moholy-Nagy University of Design & Arts (Hungary) and a HCI researcher at Prezi.com

His works have been exhibited worldwide including China, India, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Belgium, Hungary among others. He is the co-founder of the experimental new media design group Binaura.

Common tools & languages he is developing with:

Pure Data, using libPd for embedding pd in mobile & server applications
Processing, using core Java & Android frameworks
Openframeworks, C++ (desktop, iOS, RaspberryPI)
Arduino (simplified C syntax for programming microcontrollers and sensors)
Javascript, using P5JS (web technologies & browser interactions)